Discover the specialities
of the Calabrian tradition

In our restaurant in Corigliano Calabro you will enjoy our specialities and taste the best dishes of the Calabrian tradition!

Our advantageous full board formula which includes:
  • Starters and main courses, no-limit desserts and buffet fruit with second courses served at the table
  • Water and wine on tap at will during meals
  • Soft drinks, fruit juices, teas and water at the dedicated bars in the hotel hall (from 10 am to 11 pm)
our packages
apuliacorigliano en restaurant 010
There are secret packages that we reserve only to our members.
You will not want to miss them?!
Request Information
Via Belgrado, 2 - 87064
Corigliano Calabro (Cs)
CIR: 078157-VIT-00007

Booking office: +39 0983 1985522
Info Reception: +39 0983 1985561
WhatsApp: +39 376 0038145
follow us

Credits TITANKA! Spa